Let’s Work Together

Community-Based Care Services

Currently, there is limited access to high quality, in-person speech-language care across communities in BC.

Supporting a child  is not a one person or one time event.  Many of the current models of care for speech pathology focus on a clinician’s ability to see as many children as they possibly can and provide treatment through closed door 1:1 sessions with the child.  This leads to speech pathologists with impossibly high caseloads who very quickly burn out and leave the profession.  The trickle down effect of this is that communities, particularly those in rural and remote areas are under-resourced and then must rely on a rotating door of clinicians who visit a few times a year. 

I see a different way of providing care.

What if we can work together to support children and their families in your community? 

Through offering direct support to community providers like early childhood educators, speech language pathology assistants (SLPA’s), public health nurses, education assistants, and teachers I will work with you in order to create a treatment plan with strategies that can be easily implemented.  

My model of care is hybrid meaning that I travel to your community as often as you need (generally every 1-4 months).  During this time I can provide assessment and intervention as hands-on coaching for those that know their children best–the community-based care providers! 

This means that children meet their goals sooner, and a community can thrive knowing that their children and those that work to support them are being well-cared for. 

When I am not in your community I am still working to support you by providing reliable virtually based care.  Weekly check-ins, meetings,  troubleshooting of therapy plans, goal setting, activity and resource creation are all done at this time.  This means that a community doesn’t have to wait until the next time I fly in to get their questions answered. We work together on challenges that come up in real time, ensuring that speech therapy services remain consistent and therefore trustworthy. 

Resources and information for families.

Speech disorders are multi-faceted, and can be supported by a larger network of community and government resources and funding. No child should go without support services due to lack of funding.

By no means is this a exhaustive list of resources - simply a place to begin should you and your family need additional financial support to access and maintain care.

Variety Children’s Charity

Provides funding for Speech Therapy, Autism assessments, and a variety of other services.

CKNW Kids Fund

Supporting BC children living with physical, mental and social challenges.

SMILE Canada

Dedicated to supporting racialized kids with disabilites, and their families.

Federal Disability Tax Credit

For families with a child under the age of 18.

Jordan’s Principle

Ensuring all First Nations children living in Canada have access to products, services and support.

Speech & Hearing BC

Dedicated to supporting racialized kids with disabilites, and their families.

Elk’s of Canada National Charity

Access to funding for children with hearing and speech-language challenges.

Métis Miyoopimaatishihk

Wellbeing Program

Financial support for Métis children aged 0-8 for a wide range of services, including speech therapy.